
 Talks and seminars    

What people say about our seminars    

 “Nigel makes legal matters approachable and interesting. His ability to make you laugh is invaluable when dealing with what can be difficult subjects” – Liz Rothschild Director Kicking The Bucket Festival                                                            

‘Great talk this morning. Nigel George presentations are never boring, but this one was very thought provoking…’NG Italy head shot

Andrew H Denny FCA, Managing Director Fix-a-Form International Ltd  on Life Death & George Osborne “An excellent clear and well presented seminar thank you”Charles Coldroy IFA on The Baby Boomer Time Bomb “Lovely presentation at an accessible level” – The Baby Boomer Time Bomb  

We frequently organise seminars, talks and events on a range of topics and ideas. If you would be interested in attending:


A Death Café

A Dementia Friends information Session

A seminar on the Mental Capacity Act 2005

A legal talk-with a difference

 Then get in touchshutterstock_96137972 childrens feet

We are happy to deliver tailored talks to  businesses, the public sector, charities, clubs and voluntary groups. Most events are also open to individuals. If you let us know what kind of event you would be interested in attending we can let you know when we next have something on. We always look to make our events informative, thought provoking and entertaining. Cake is compulsory if its a Death Café!

Legal talks

should be fun and interesting, here are a few we’ve delivered:

  • Tethered goats – how to deal with the office caveman
  • You can’t sack me I’m an OAP
  • Hitler and biscuits
  • Sticky tape and death
  • IL Buono IL Brutto IL Awocato (The Good The Bad and The Lawyer)
  • When is an orange legally a banana
  • The right to say No
  • The Baby Boomer Time Bomb