Why age is just a number

In the age of the Zimmer frame, carpet slippers, the colostomy bag, wheel chair, hearing aid, vacant stare, broken hip, toothless grin etc. etc. its important to remember it doesn’t need to be like that. We are all living longer and must not forget that. If you are reading this while sitting on the sofa in […]

Ronnie, Reggie and George – How to save on Inheritance Tax

 You pay Inheritance tax at 40% – How to save that “eight bob in the pound” If you missed my talk, to Bury Chamber this morning on Inheritance Tax (‘IHT’) I’ve set out the notes below. The reference above is to Ronnie and Reggie Kray, infamous East End villains of the 1960’s and George is our “wonderful” […]

The return of life, death and doughnuts – The Death Cafe is back!

 “Did you bring  joy to the world and have you found joy?” This for me is what death is all about. It’s about life. Its realising none of  us lives for ever. As good old Pope Paul said “We all only have so many tomorrows.” So in the New Year I will be running some […]

Dementia my family and I – advice for the individual and for business

Dementia at home and work – the legal (and non-legal)  implications Eighty percent of the nations wealth is owned by those over 50.  The numbers of people living with dementia over the age of 65 is on the increase. What are  the implications for you, your family and your business?  How can you best act for […]

Would a little more conversation have kept Ashya King’s parents out of jail?

Are doctors and other hospital staff good communicators, when it comes to talking to patients and families? Some of them are, but as the “My name is campaign” seems to have illustrated lot of medical staff aren’t. “I was in hospital recently” said a colleague of mine, when I asked her about the campaign. “Someone […]