Optimists Live Longer

Optimists Live Longer – Enjoy your life and have fun

As we get older it’s important to have fun. It’s not only for the young.

At Borley Green we have a lot of time for the GOD principle; Growing Old Disgracefully.

Life is like a football match. You turn 40 and it’s the second half. You may be two nil down but you still have 45 minutes to play. Even when you get to injury time, there’s still the opportunity to go out in a blaze of glory or at the very least with a broad grin on your face.

Jumping Man

Fat man squash
I took up playing squash, again, at the age of 51, not having picked up a racquet in 15 years. Oh dear, you may say, not wise, particularly if your ‘love handles’ brush against the squash court door as you go through it.

The key rule to Fat man squash is don’t give yourself a heart attack.
Do make sure you’ve taken some regular excercise before you start playing it.
If you have any doubt about your health, see a Doctor first. Only play with other fat people or those willing to follow the rules. If you summon up the energy for a rally and get out of breath then take a breather. We do frequently – take a breather – I can get in quite a sweat just waving my racquet in the air as I try and hit the ball.

It’s meant to be fun!