Category: Death

The return of life, death and doughnuts – The Death Cafe is back!

 “Did you bring  joy to the world and have you found joy?” This for me is what death is all about. It’s about life. Its realising none of  us lives for ever. As good old Pope Paul said “We all only have so many tomorrows.” So in the New Year I will be running some […]

The right to die? Post script 1

“….nothing should be decided “lightly, wantonly or unadvisedly”. Following on from my blog of yesterday, there is a lot more in the press today. Including a report in the Independent that a letter written by  cleric Christopher Jones who died from cancer is being sent to all members of the House of Lords urging them to oppose […]

The right to die – assisted death or assisted suicide?

  Should we have the right to decide whether we live or die? Is it  right to help a person end their life? Since 1961 it has not been illegal to commit suicide. The State recognises we  have the right to end our lives if we want to. It’s important though to draw a distinction between assisted suicide […]

Death and dementia – the last taboos? – Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall

Sue Ryder do some fantastic work in palliative care. When they invited me to help run a Death Café at Thorpe Hall I jumped at the chance. The last one went so well we have another coming up. We wont only be talking about death but also about dementia. This may sound gloomy stuff but […]

Death in Italy

San Quirico Tuscany I’m sitting by my Tuscan swimming pool as I write. As I’m touching on the subject of death and the Catholic church, I’m conscious of a large chasm opening in front of me. With that in mind, unless its clear to the contrary, all thoughts and comments are mine and mine alone. […]

Does our desire for the good life cause us to isolate those who remind us of our mortality?

The Death Cafe is pretty big in the USA. My American cousins were visiting recently and hadn’t heard of it. My Cousin Marilyn has just sent me an article from her local paper which I reproduce below. I was particularly struck by the paragraph that I’ve highlighted. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel By BILL WARD Aug. 5, […]